Beauty vs. Commodity in the Enterprise


Here is an article on the new 2016 Apple MacBook Pro, and the interest that businesses might have in it, by  Alison DeNisco (@alisondenisco), published on November 18, 2016 in TechRepublic’s CXO Section

My position?


“Considering how mature cloud digital workspaces such as Office 365 have become, the desktop/laptop hardware has lost its relevance,” said Florentin Albu, CIO of Ofgem E-Serve.” With such devices being a commodity, price plays an essential role in their selection. Beauty comes at a price, and in this case the business case for using MacBook Pros in the enterprise would be difficult to articulate.”[…]

Albu said that, for his business needs, a user environment centered around Office 365 and Surface tablets makes more sense. “As such, we don’t plan to actively support other portables for now,” he said.


Read the full article here:

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